Sunday 22 April 2018

A good week

Image result for the fonzA surprising two weeks of continuity in running. I managed to bring the daily runs to 10km, this week I clocked in 50 km in 5 sessions, even with some "attempted speed".

On Monday, I did a good progression over 8km with the people from WAMC. We started at 4.30/km, then I built up km by km, the last one was 3.38.

On Thursday, I brought my body back into a long forgotten world, aka sub 3.30/km speed, with 3x1 km on the road: 3.34, 3.31, 3.23 rec 3, jogging.

Saturday was ParkRun day. I ran the first 2km at 3.35, then fatigue kicked in but I still managed to finish at 3.40 average (18.20). It made me aware of how crazy this all project is. But I also know I don't not qualify as "trained", with my total 2 weeks of running...

The plan for next week is to increase slowly the mileage, aiming for 55/60km weekly. I will have to travel interstate for work , and am donating blood on Tuesday - so will see how that goes!

Tuesday 10 April 2018


Three weeks have gone by. Three pretty weird weeks, running-wise.

It started with the wrong pair of sandals. I wore them, I got a sharp pain in my right shin. My shin also became squeaky. Was it shin splints? Turned out it wasn't, as after 5 days of no improvement I went for a run, and it did not hurt while I was running - in fact, the pain went almost completely away shortly after. So, it must have been something having to do with my weird hips-sciatica-posterior kinetic chain. By the way, sciatica sufferers who are (not) reading this blog, have you ever tried gliding exercises? They work like a treat.
I chucked those vile sandals, and bought a new pair. The new ones caused a blister on the top of my right foot (same leg!). The blister got infected, which led to (a) fever (b) swollen groin glands and, most of all (c) swollen foot. Had to take antibiotics for a week to prevent "sandalites" (sandal-related syndrome) from sending me into septicemia - and, of course, had to further postpone my glorious return to the running scene.Image result for sandals torture

Now, bacteria abated, back to the blackboard. I have run for 4 days, and am still functioning- but am running laughable distances, 7km max. But if it is true that "The Journey of  Thousands Miles begins with One Single Step", then I have begun, once again.

I have calculated 23 weeks until M-day, minus two days. Time to stop writing/talking about it. Time also to stop wearing sandals.